Sally Foster is driving 9 men who are homeless in a conversion van nearly 2,000 miles to the nation's capital.
Why? The Street Soccer USA Cup of course.
This fantastic voyage is a great lesson: anything is possible. Thanks in this case, to Sally.
Sally has been a financial contributer to our cause for the last two years. She follows our every blog and believes in our mission and understands the power a supportive community can have on someone facing poverty. From 1992-2005 she taught junior high aged immigrants in Dalhart, Texas, ESL and taught spanish at Dalhart ISD. She learned about Street Soccer USA through her daughter Elyse. Texans look out for each other,and that is why, when the Austin Entourage coaches both had prior engagements, Sally stepped up to make the trip a reality.
Sally is famous in her family for making long road trips to visit her daughter in North Carolina or her other daughter in Colorado. Now she's doing the same for Street Soccer USA. "I can't imagine that they would practice for the tournament and then not be able to participate, I'm happy to drive them." From Texas to DC it's 1527 miles and two days to make it in time for team check in at Kastles Stadium on Thursday. She has outfitted the team with 2 sets of travel shirts and a pantry of snacks and gatorade to make sure they are healthy and nourished for kickoff on Friday.
Sally is amazing. Not only has she traveled to help the homeless and visit her daughters, but she has even traveled across Texas to help out one of her daughter's friends. The soccer team is lucky to have her support. Go Sally!
Sally rocks ! Its people like her that make this Country stand....we appreciate you Sally and we will see you there! from Wes in Sacramento
Sally is one of the most generous people I know.
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