We are co-hosting an Urban Street Soccer Festival with Concrete2Green at Eastland Mall in Charlotte, NC.
The event flier is attached. Go check it out if you are in the area.
The field set up here in this photo is inside the mall and can be looked down on from 3 shopping levels. What a spectacular venue! Our street soccer court is replacing a defunct skating rink. The mall is letting us keep the pitch there indefinitely. Eastland Mall is in a "diverse" part of town as they say in Charlotte--in other words, it's an urban mall with lots of African American, Latinos, and Vietnamese clients. Posting up in Eastland is great way to give folks in this urban setting easy access to playing soccer in the exciting 4vs4 format.
True as well that homeless teens often hang out in malls, so it might be great progammatic outreach for us as well.eastlandflyr
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