Zenas Fewell claimed the Outstanding Achievment Award for his successful exploits since particiapting in the 2006 Capetown World Cup. Zenas has maintained his apartment for 18 months and recentely got back into classes at the community college. Despite a hearing disability and a mental health disability, Zenas has escaped homelessness. He addressed head on all his disablilties and additionally finished anger management courses. Although he does not train with the team regularly anymore, he checks in from time to time and is an inspiration to others.
The Spirit Award went to new team member Tim Cummings (pictured above) who has been all about supporting his teammates, helping them find jobs, encouraging them in their battles against drugs, and being a general force of good energy. Tim is an invaluable resource for his teammates in their struggles because he has been there himself. With over a year of sobriety, Tim says he has never felt better. Outside of Street Soccer Tim plays goalie in the Latino league where he won an award for outstanding goalkeeping. We are greatful for his efforts on and off the field.
The Fair Play Award went to US Copenhagen World Cup captain Daniel Martinez, whose calm demeanor, excellent hustle and talent earned him praise from coaches of all nations. Most importantly he demands the respect of his teammates. When he, Elmer, and Jorge decided to come to Charlotte, they changed their address and their attitude. Daniel was catalyst for their change and subsequent success.
The Hustle Award went to Craig Holley who has returned to Charlotte and street soccer with more purpose and drive than ever. Craig’s determination is worthy of singling out as an example for all of the players, especially since Craig had never played soccer before training with Street Soccer 945.
While we would have liked to give an award to all players, these were some areas that we felt were important to emphasize for our program. Congrats to everyone. We are thankful for the opportunities afforded us in 2007 and proud of how all of us seized these opportunities.