US Cup and Organizing Conference 2007 starts thursday with National Team practice followed by a meet and greet of conference attendees at the Fox and Hound. The Conference is designed to launch Street Soccer USA, the national organizing body that will support the new programs starting up around the country. Programm graduates will share their experiences, corporate sponsors will speak, and community activists from the University of Nort Carolina will speak about designing succesful community projects.
The Conference Runs all day on friday from 9am -4pm (to attend call 704 926 0618 or 704 926 0633--also call if you want to register a team in the US for upcoming Cups and to be elegible to play in future Homeless World Cups).
Friday evening at 5pm there will be a rules demonstration followed by a Community Open Mic and cookout.
After a follow up session Saturday morning, Games begin at 1:30 at 945 N. College Street and last until 7pm.
Parking is available across the street at the Charlotte Area Fund on North Tryon.
Atttached is a conference schedule.conferenceinfo.doc
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