Hilary Moskow is a GWU student interning with Street Soccer USA and chronicling her experience with street soccer in Argentina while studying abroad there. Here's her latest:
Sergio told me that I should come on Tuesday morning at 10AM and I could meet the team then.
So, on Tuesday morning, I figured I would try to make a “good impression” and show up a little early, so I got there around 9:45. Once again, however, the park was empty. At around 10:10, I met someone named Miguel who told me that he knew Sergio and that he should be coming soon. Two more men joined us, Madeas and Cristian, and I found out that they also played on the Street Soccer team. At around 10:30, Sergio arrived. While I was a little taken aback by his lateness, I later discovered that in Argentina, it is actually considered rude to show up early. Go figure.
Sergio was wearing a shirt that read “A ball can change the world,” and by the way that these 8 teammates were looking at him, I could tell that it was true. We talked for a while and he told me all about the organization there and how they were working to change the lives of these incredible people.
After a little bit of talking, the team finally got down to business. They started with drills and asked me if I wanted to join in. Never one to turn down an offer, I did. So I played with the team for about an hour and then Sergio announced that we were going to scrimmage. So for another hour and a half, we played some street soccer. Never have I experienced a game like this, where all of the players are so serious and yet so willing to have fun with each other. Watching them play further showed me how important this organization was to them and what a difference it truly is making in the lives of these individuals.
They all have big dreams for the World Cup in Rio this September and I can tell how hard they are willing to work to succeed. I was so empowered by this experience and tonight I am going back for more- 20 minutes late this time.
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