Saturday, February 27, 2010
Doc Wayne League
Thursday, February 25, 2010
1st in Social Entrepreneurship
Vote for us now, and in the general competition, round 2.
Monday, February 22, 2010
GWU Intern Abroad Chpt. 2

Hilary Moskow is a GWU student interning with Street Soccer USA and chronicling her experience with street soccer in Argentina while studying abroad there. Here's her latest:
Sergio told me that I should come on Tuesday morning at 10AM and I could meet the team then.
So, on Tuesday morning, I figured I would try to make a “good impression” and show up a little early, so I got there around 9:45. Once again, however, the park was empty. At around 10:10, I met someone named Miguel who told me that he knew Sergio and that he should be coming soon. Two more men joined us, Madeas and Cristian, and I found out that they also played on the Street Soccer team. At around 10:30, Sergio arrived. While I was a little taken aback by his lateness, I later discovered that in Argentina, it is actually considered rude to show up early. Go figure.
Sergio was wearing a shirt that read “A ball can change the world,” and by the way that these 8 teammates were looking at him, I could tell that it was true. We talked for a while and he told me all about the organization there and how they were working to change the lives of these incredible people.
After a little bit of talking, the team finally got down to business. They started with drills and asked me if I wanted to join in. Never one to turn down an offer, I did. So I played with the team for about an hour and then Sergio announced that we were going to scrimmage. So for another hour and a half, we played some street soccer. Never have I experienced a game like this, where all of the players are so serious and yet so willing to have fun with each other. Watching them play further showed me how important this organization was to them and what a difference it truly is making in the lives of these individuals.
They all have big dreams for the World Cup in Rio this September and I can tell how hard they are willing to work to succeed. I was so empowered by this experience and tonight I am going back for more- 20 minutes late this time.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Look Out . . . Here Comes "UP TOP"
Way to go Youthlink team. Can't wait to see you soon. You are an inspiration already!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
City Snap Shots Blog cover SSNYC Win

Link to City Snaps Shot blog here, a cool blog with insider info on NYC
Here's the snapshot they took from our 11-10 victory Friday night above. That's 2 in a row and 3rd place overall in the league. Go to the blog for the post!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Street Soccer 945, Charlotte, Wins Season Opener
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
WBGO highlights SSUSA's TK and Anthony
TK explains how a naive mistake made him pay for many years. Now he's doing his all to pursue his dreams. Chris and Susan talk about what volunteering means to them. Anthony explains the lack of choices one has when suddenly you lose everything.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Wonder Kid Max is a SSUSA volunteer and a whole lot more!

Munster boy's birthdays a chance to give, not just get
See the link above to read about Max's extraordinary charitable 12 years on the planet and his recent recognition.
This year, he hopes friends and family alike will open their hearts to Street Soccer USA.
Lawson chose the charitable organization after watching "Kicking It," a documentary about the soccer program which helps the homeless move forward in the game of life. He soon found out there was a team in Aurora, Ill., and has since worked out, helped coach and played with the team.
He and his mother traveled to the National Cup in Washington, D.C. They were invited by Street Soccer USA founder Lawrence Cann. Lawson has memorable accounts of the trip and spending time with players.
"I've always liked soccer and always thought that soccer could help someone somehow," he said. "Street Soccer USA is all about giving people a second chance."
2010 Winter Olympics: What about Vancouver's homeless?
SS Sacramento in action, tie 8-8.

Fairplay winners from 2009, the "Mohawks" in these orange striped Mazamba unis battled to an 8-8 tie on Thursday. 100% of Sacramento players from 2009 have moved off the street, maintained sobriety, and found employment. We are now seeking support together to maintain the program.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Just Live Soccer to Hold Tournament Benefiting SSUSA

WWW.JUSTLIVESOCCER.COM will be holding its Open and Over 30 Mens Pre-season KICK OFF Soccer Tournaments.
25% of the proceeds for the tournament will benefit Street Soccer USA!!!
When: Sunday March 7, 2010
Where: The Fields *New Sports Complex*, 8 Cornwall Court, East Brunswick, NJ 08816
Info: Each team is guaranteed 3- 25 minute games with the top 2 teams from each division going into the semi-finals
For more information click here...
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Our Friends in Cape Town

We had great practice and run this winter with Michael Smith, founder of From Us With Love. FUWL supports the SA street football program and . . . they produced a new film.
Check out streetball!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Disney Volunteerism Hits Home for SSUSA

Street Soccer USA was recently the lucky recipient of volunteers taking a day out of their lives to spend time with its New York City team and in turn, those volunteers earned a day at Disney via the “Give a Day. Get a Disney Day.” program. 50 volunteers from 50 states were selected based on their application and the New York State family, the Sydors, chose Street Soccer USA. Disney sent camera crews to 10 select sites . . . more news on what Disney will do with video when we find out.
Disney’s goal is to inspire 1 million citizens to volunteer time and energy for just one day, in an effort to make the world a bit better. In SSUSA’s case, it was a the Sydor family who spent their day helping the team in the home base of New York.
The great thing about this Disney program is that it is so straightforward and can have a huge effect on the charity, as well as the volunteers. In a note to SSUSA founder Lawrence Cann, the Luba Sydor wrote:
“I wanted to say thanks so much for coordinating our volunteer event with Street Soccer USA. Our family had a blast and the residents on your team are really amazing. The success you have had with the group is evident by the teamwork, character and soccer skills they all exhibited.
We would really love to continue working the SSUSA group in the near future. The boys are so excited about our trip next week and hope to have an opportunity to see you again soon!”
Take a moment to check out the easiest and most rewarding way to get Disney for a Day.
SSUSA Intern Abroad

Pictured at left is Adriano, a graduate from the Buenos Aires Street Soccer program.
Hillary Moscow is a George Washington student who is interning along with her sister this summer for Street Soccer USA. Right now she is studying abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We introduced Hillary to the our friends Jorge and Sergio who direct a parallel program to our own there. Hillary will contribute some blog posts this spring and continue through the Street Soccer USA Cup this summer. Here is her first post after her first day trying to volunteer in Argentina with their homeless soccer program:
After lazily living in Buenos Aires for the past month, I finally got my act together and started “volunteering” with Street Soccer Argentina. After an unsuccessful attempt at figuring out the bus route, I decided that it might be better if I took a cab to the Plaza for the first time. So after being dropped off at what seemed like an entrance-less park (despite the fact that there were many people inside the gates), I roamed in a circle for 20 minutes until I was finally able to find the coveted entrance (obviously 2 steps away from where I was originally dropped off). Regardless, I had made it.
I walked a little further inside the park until I spotted some people playing soccer underneath the highway. I went over to the area that they were playing in and tried speaking to 3 men who were watching them play (I later realized they were the subs). I told them I had been speaking with Sergio and that he knew that I was coming to help them “volunteer”. No Sergio here. That was a little discouraging but they introduced me to the wife of one of the players who I was told spoke “English”. So, after saying hello (the only word of English she actually knew), I decided to try out my Spanish on her. We talked a little and somehow she misunderstood what I was saying and started telling all of the players that I was there to recruit. It was all good though and I decided to try watching the game instead. It was very intense and the only phrase that I repeatedly heard was “Che Boludo,” which I later discovered means “hey idiot”. I can only hope they were not talking to me. Another fun fact is that when a player subs out, he is likely to light up a cigarette. Che Boludo.
Well, the adventure has begun. It was a great experience and I can tell I am going to learn a lot!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
PASS IT TO PLAYERS...One Game, One Family, One Goal
After corresponding with an amazing high school student Krista Pacillo, 16, this past weekend I found out what an impact someone so young can have when they want to give back. Krista started a program called Pass It To Players. Her intentions were to collect, donate, and distribute soccer equipment anywhere in the world to players, teams, and clubs that can not afford it. On her website she says, “In starting this program I hope to provide players with the equipment they need to pursue their love for the game.”
After meeting Krista and her father in NJ this weekend to pick up the gear, I was blown away by the generosity of Krista and all of her donors as they gave the team 10 winter jacket, 12 warm-up jacket, 12 warm-up pants, 6 soccer balls, 2 dozen jerseys, 2 dozen shorts, 3 dozen shirts and over 20 pair of indoor and outdoor cleats!!!!
The SSNYC team is very lucky to have met an amazing friend of the program in Krista!!!

Donated gear on the SSUSA Pitch
SSNYC with their new gear!!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
SSNYC To Hold Fan Appreciation Night
This Friday, February 5, the Street Soccer NYC team will be holding its first ever fan appreciation night. SSNYC will be taking on NK Sotto Pini at 6pm on the South Field at Chelsea Piers. Following the game the SSNYC team will have a meet and greet with the fans on the upper eating area behind the fields at Chelsea Piers.
After the festivities at Chelsea Piers, all Fan Group Members will be going to our sponsors, Luzzo's, new restaurant OVEST PIZZOTECA, 513 W 27th Street 10001 NY, NY, for food and drinks. There, fans will have an opportunity to speak to coaches and volunteers about what is going on with the team and celebrate the success the team has had on and off of the field this season.
I hope to see everyone FRIDAY!!!