Dave and Craig have landed. These two fight like brothers as they vie to be the team's "cutest" member. Here they get pumped up during openning day.

Here Dave models the stars and stripes. The stadium is immediately behind him. Behind that the historic court house and clock. Behind that, the unmistakable Table Top Mountain.

Here is Charlotte's Cyrus Wuor, a native of Liberia, with his countrymen.

I've told the story now often about Dave looking at the children, then mentioning to the coaches how sad it was that they were so hungry. He then left the stadium, brought the kids into the event, passed them the flag, and had them cheer for us. Here is a photo of Dave's fan club!

We could not escape the impression the 2005 team made on the world in Edinburgh. The Deputy Mayor of Cape Town in a public address called Ray Isaac by name and said to the audience that the spirit of the American team had stayed with her throughout the entire year since Edinburgh. Here is a portrait of last year's Stephanie Johnson of Charlotte. We chanced upon this portrait posted with four others in the castle which served as the media center for the Homeless World Cup. Notice Coach Rob's head poking in.

Check out the Cape Town coastline. To be honest, the most meaningful parts of the trip were the excursions we made away from the soccer tournament. There was the trip to the township during which we saw how the people really lived, and then there was the entire day we spent along the farthest reaches of the African continent. We saw whales jumping and flipping their tales, penguins darting underwater like torpedos, baboons stalking cars, and we experienced fellowship we will never forget.

C-white and Abusseyf

Guess Who? . . . . Michael Knight of DC and Dave McGregor of Charlotte

Here's our group at the penguin reserve--the penguins are behind us. the guy in the middle is a friend our team made from Liberia who took the excursion with us.

The lady in the center of this picture was our host. She is the principle of Rochamaniyah School where the team slept.

Dave was close friends with the Paraguayan team--they had four 16 year old girls on their team!

Goodbye to the crowds!

We remembered our sponsors on top of Table Top Mountain. Our camera ran our of batteries but here we are remembering DC United. We also remembered US Soccer, Eurosport Passback, Covenant Presbterian, Big Ben's, Coca Cola Bottling, Bank of America, of course the Urban Ministry Center, and so many other individuals and groups that made our life changing trip possible. Thank you!

And of course, on top of Table Top, we didn't forget where we came from!
God Bless America
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