Street Soccer 945 of the Urban Ministry Center in Charlotte just ended the fall season but has kept the momentum going through the winter. Even though a first round playoff exit in local league play hurt team spirits, it has not stopped the team from turning out in numbers at each practice to work on getting better . The team has stayed busy with events at Pheiffer University and Belmont Abbey College as part of homelessness and hunger awareness week, and at Thursday's practice the team had a special visitor stop in-Heather Mitts from the US Women's National Team! Heather met fellow female player and SSUSA Rep for the Homeless World Cup 2009, Ebony Wright, and then she ran the team through a series of passing drills before the team divided up into small sides and played a king of the court competition. Heather teamed up with Ebony, new player Juneau, and volunteer Matt. The competition held nothing back giving Heather's group a challenge each time on the field. This is the beauty of street soccer programming, it doesnt matter to our team if you are new to the game, if you are old or young, or say, a professional athlete, we are all equals on the field. We just played and had fun with it. After practice we had the chance to take some photos and the team thanked her for coming out, they waited until after she left however, to talk about how cool and inspiring it was to be able to play with a pro player and how they cant wait to see the pictures so they can post them to their facebook page! Thanks to Athletes for Hope www.athletesforhope.org for helping make this happen.

Ebony Wright, SSUSA National Team 2009 & Heather Mitts, US National Team

edhardy jacket
edhardy jacket
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