Hoover and David:
(pictured above in Charlotte, North Carolina)
Hoover looks 15. He’s 20, but for someone his ages he has lots of stories to tell. He works at temp agencies, but nothing regular. When he can't find or make a friend. He sleeps outside.
David also sleeps outside but he’ll have an option to move indoors now that his disability check has come through.
If at times Hoover and David seemed more distracted than at others, it probably has to do with the regularity of their sleep or their meals. If they can’t find a couch to sleep on, it’s an abandoned building, or a camp spot in between the center city and the 277 beltway, or else they just wander “like zombies” all night, "staying safe."
“Soccer keeps me focused, it keeps me from exlpoding and doing something stupid. I’d probably go ride with someone to Florida, or get mixed up in something I shouldn’t be doing if I wasn’t playing on this team. But I feel like I can make some progress if I stick with this. I feel like I have somebody behind me.
Thursday, Hoover and Davids started at left and right midfield for Street Soccer 945. Standing on top of each other they barely clear 10 feet in height.
The game marked the return of D. whose drug relapse had us all worried. Big D's renewed focus was an inspiration to all. Even three goals from the prodigal striker couldn't pull us even and we lost by 3 goals. Hoover and David were goofing around like children, and frankly it was a pleasure to see. The team singing D’s nickname, D-bone to various hip hop song. Then D opened the van door and screamed to whomever was out there. "I am going to DC! I am going to DC!" The tension was visibly lacking in D's face. He looked handsome, young, full of hope and clear eyed. It’s these moments most of all that pay the bills as a homeless soccer coach.
In local competition last week the Street Soccer Stars rebounded from two straight losses to mark a convincing victory by thte score of 10-5.
We focused team discussion on suporting each other and moving past the last play and on th with game. 8 minutes into the game the team found itself down 3-0. Tempers were heated, but the team kept it’s focus. At the half we scored a clutch goal to pull to within 1 goal 4-3. The second half was a complete romp. Victory was one success. D was another. And the cherry on top had to be news of Craig's new job at Dilworth Grill.
Well done everyone.
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