Here you see Brad Perguson of Richmond, VA with Rob and Lawrence Cann during a recruiting trip for participants in the Homeless World Cup USA 2006 in Charlotte, NC. We met Brad on a Friday at a church which was serving lunch. Like us, Brad was waiting for his number to be called so he could eat. He thought he must have been dreaming when we made our announcement about the street soccer tournment. Brad has convinced five of his friends particpating in Richmond's winter shelter progam called CARITAS (www.caritasshelter.org) to train with him. They are convening their own practices and preparing for the competition this August in Charlotte. Also, the Daily Planet (www.reachva.org/html/providers/daily_planet.htm) looks to be bring some of there clients from Richmond. Look for more news here about players from Costa Mesa, CA, New York, Austin, TX, Philadelphia, Denver, CO and more.
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